Looking for the Perfect Gift this Season?

Whether you are looking for a gift for yourself or a gift for a friend or family member, here are some of my favorite “giftable” products and services that you may want to consider.


I have been using Headspace for over a year. Currently I use it to fall asleep at night and clear my head after a busy day. I also use it periodically when I’m feeling overwhelmed and just need 1-3 minutes to reset. They have a “Beginner’s Course” that walks you through sitting in silence and making peace with your thoughts. This really helped me in the beginning, and I was surprised at how quickly I moved myself from the 3-minute session to the 10-minute sessions. When I was still working at Corporate I would meditate before dinner and again as I was falling asleep. I still fall asleep listening to the message of the Daily Meditation and will randomly use their sleepcasts when I can’t turn my brain off at night.

Tip: There are usually sales or Groupons for new users, so don’t pay full price!



It is no secret that I am a huge fan of journaling. Journaling can help you express your gratitude, raise your awareness of judgments that you make on a daily basis, organize the thoughts in your head with a daily brain dump, or just be used to write freely and for yourself. Whether it’s about your day, your intentions, or a story you feel like writing, journals are an awesome way to express yourself.

I have a few journals depending on my mood and the purpose, and you really can’t go wrong as long as it’s a decent size (think like 5x7) and has lines. On the same note, if you have someone who is artistic or likes to doodle, you can consider gifting them a sketch pads or adult color books instead of a writing journal.

Tip: It’s fun to gift journals with a nice pen as well.


Finding a planner that works for you is crucial. I carry my moleskin planner with me everywhere. This is a simplified view with the week view on the left side of the page, and a blank lined page for notes on the right. Between this and my google calendar, I feel like I can stay on top of my complicated schedule.

I also loved using my ink & volt planner. I fell out of the routine of using this earlier in the year, but when I did use it, I loved it! I will likely be purchasing the 2020 version for myself again. I love this planner because it gives you really simple prompts to help you plan your year, month week, along with weekly opportunities to check back in with yourself to see how you’re making progress towards those goals. There are also weekly prompts that help you reflect on a deeper level and self-coach your way through things. They also have some great planning worksheets that you can download for free which personally helped me set my intentions and kickstart 2019 on the right foot.

My Ink & Volt Planner

My Ink & Volt Planner


When I think about writing in my journal or relaxing after a long day at work, I think about cozying up under my heated blanket and a nice hot cup of peppermint tea. I use the Teavana Perfect Tea Maker and my favorite sloth mug and get writing. I also have a Steepware Tumbler with a built-in diffuser for when I’m on the go, and I love it! Both are great options for the tea lovers on your list.

Tip: Want to gift loose leaf tea with the teamakers? Unless you know what kind of tea the person drinks, opt for something simple like peppermint, ginger, or jasmine green tea. These are pretty basic flavors that everyone tends to enjoy. Head to a small tea shop for help picking out the perfect gift, they’ll let you smell the teas before you buy so you can have an idea of how “smooth” or “harsh” a tea may taste.


Eco Warriors

We all need to do our part to protect the environment. Here are some of my favorite green products that can help your friends and families simplify their life, toss the toxins, and reduce the amount of plastic they are using.

Branch Basics: I’ve been using Branch Basics for nearly a year. I LOVE them, they do an amazing job and are so simple to use. I used to hate cleaning, even wiping down the kitchen counter made me cringe. The smell of the chemical cleaners combined with my urge to use a dozen paper towels because I didn’t want to touch the chemicals put me over the edge. While I still don’t love cleaning and am fortunate to have a cleaning woman to do most of the deep cleaning, I have no qualms with grabbing my branch basics to clean up kitchen spills or my dog’s throw up (#reallife). It is chemical-free, all-natural, kid-safe and pet-safe and has no odor. I use Branch Basics in conjunction with reusable paper towels because I don’t need to think twice about throwing them in with my normal laundry since they’re all-natural. Since buying branch basics it takes us two times as long to go through our paper towels.

Branch Basics’ all-in-one solution comes as a concentrate with re-usable bottles that you fill on your own to create an all-purpose cleaner, window cleaner, hand soap, laundry detergent, and bathroom cleaner. They also have an oxygen boost that acts like bleach for the tough stains. Seriously, this stuff is the best. Save $10 on Branch Basics here.


Stasher bags: These silicon bags are perfect for on-the-go lunches and storing things in your fridge. We only have a few, but they have really helped us reduce the volume of plastic wrap and plastic bags that we were using. I’m sure there are equally good knock-offs, but Stasher is the brand we use at home and I love how durable they are. They’re also great for traveling and keeping your toilet paper or trail maps dry while hiking.

Tip: Other fun “green” gifts include tumblers for the avid coffee drinker, stainless steel water bottles, reusable straws and utensils, and so much more!

Cleaning Services

One of the best gifts my parents ever gave me was the money towards a professional service to come in and deep clean my house.

Although I have found a product I love, I still despise deep cleaning my house. You will never find me scrubbing toilets or doing windows or dusting or on my hands and knees cleaning base boards. Frankly, my husband is lucky if I do load a laundry or start the dish washer. (And boy am I grateful that I have a husband that is willing to do the laundry and that we choose to budget for our wonderful cleaner Nidia to come in once a month for the deeper stuff!)

That said, if you’re looking to give back to someone who is always on the go and may not have the time or energy to clean their house, or someone like me who just refuses to do it, a cleaning service may be a great gift!

Tip: There are typically Groupons available for deep cleaning services. That said, you may want to ask around or look at apps such as Nextdoor or Care.com to have more control over who you hire. This is how I found my cleaner, and I was much more comfortable having a personal recommendation, and am so grateful that I can support a fellow solopreneur.


Shameless plug! But we often forget that helping people help themselves can be the best gift ever. Giving the gift of coaching with a Conshy Coaching Gift Card can help someone take the first steps towards achieving their goals and living the life of their dreams.

Disclaimer: Some of the links may be affiliate links, meaning that I may receive a small stipend or benefit in return for using them. That said, I use every single product that I reviewed above and recommend every single one of them. Authenticity is one of my core values, and I will never recommend or suggest a product that I do not wholeheartedly believe in or use on a regular basis.

Jenn Masse