Hey, 2019. It's been fun! Love, Me.

Every year, on January 1st, I sit down to journal about my intentions for the upcoming year. Before doing this, I take time to deeply reflect on the year prior; to appreciate how much I’ve grown, and the fun things that I’ve accomplished, experienced or seen.

As I reflect on 2019, I can’t help but think how far I’ve come.

In all honesty, my journey started in October of 2018 when I realized I needed change and enrolled in my coaching program, but the majority of my growth and transition came in 2019.

While I still have limiting beliefs and gremlins that are holding me back from experiencing my true potential, thanks to the growth I’ve experienced over the past year, I am more confident than ever about being on the right path. I am trusting the process and learning to accept my journey with non-judgment, to be open to all opportunities as they present themselves.

Over the next few days, I’ll be creating a vision for next year and focusing on my 2020 intentions, but for now, let’s recap the top 10 things I’m grateful for in 2019.


10. Being more present when I’m with others. This is such a big one. In today’s world of go-go-go, I was always replaying past events, thinking about what I had to do next, or on my phone flipping through Instagram. I have been practicing mindfulness and being present; and I am grateful because when I feel my mind wander, I can start to pull it back, and I don’t mind putting my phone on silent or leaving it in another room. I had no idea how much I missed having real conversations, and my relationship with my husband, friends and family have improved!

9. Watching Brene Brown’s Netflix Special. Seriously, if you have not yet watched the Call to Courage, go do it. I’ve peppered some of my favorite quotes throughout this post, but watching this special was the final push I needed to realize I was making excuses and afraid of failing in my business venture. That my parents and friends would still love me, even if I did completely switch gears and step away from the career path that they helped shape for me. That my husband agreed to “better or worse” and we were about to test those waters; even though I think we both knew having my own business would be far better than being stuck in a career path that didn’t feel right for the rest of my life.

8. Taking time to heal, grow and trusting my intuition. Things happen for a reason. In January, just as I was getting ready to submit my resignation, I was blessed with a boss that I loved. This made staying in corporate for the duration of my coaching program manageable and allowed me room to grow both personally and professionally as I put the theories of Energy Leadership into practice. Furthermore, when I did finally leave in July, I was in a better mental place; I knew I was ready to be vulnerable, to build my business from scratch, and that to be successful, that I needed to create space and heal. I trusted my intuition, took the first few months slow, and was ready to dive in when I returned from an impulsive trip to the mountains in Bend, Oregon.

7. Approaching opportunities with non-judgment. This was likely the hardest Energy Leadership theory to put into practice, but by detaching myself from the outcome and playing full out, I have realized just how many opportunities I turned down in the past because I judged them too quickly. The past few months I’ve been following a “throw spaghetti against the wall” mindset and loving it. It’s allowed me to be open, less judgmental, and say yes to opportunities like speaking at Key4Women’s inaugural event in Philadelphia at a moment’s notice.

6. Redefining success and aligning with my core values. As I stepped through my coach training program and did the deep inner work that Energy Leadership Coaches make you do, I began to realize that my definition of success was not my own. It had been shaped by my parents, my professors, my mentors, my peers, and stemmed from fear-based values (financial security, being liked, image, etc). The person I became chasing that definition was in direct conflict with my core values. Once I understood my core values I was able to take a step back and redefine success in a way that allowed me to adhere to my core values and make things like happiness and fulfillment the primary focus.

5. Making decisions that were right for me. Before this journey, I was always getting caught up in and held back by the opinions and concerns of others; or to get caught up in their excitement and be pushed into something that wasn’t right for me. (Looking at you $1,500 wedding dress that I didn’t wear…) As my girl Brene puts it, “You can’t take criticism and feedback from people who are not being brave with their lives.” Now that I’m walking a path that aligns to my core values and I’m clear about my mission of empowering women to rediscover who they are so they can re-prioritize themselves in this world, it’s a heck of a lot easier for me to trust my intuition, take the opinions, criticism, and feedback from others, and make my own decisions.

4. How much I have learned as a solopreneur. I have a BS in Accounting, an MBA in Marketing and over a decades’ worth of experience in corporate, including roles in project management, sales, and business development. I have learned so much more in these past 6 months than I’ve learned during all those years spent in school and working full time. From designing a website, to building a network, to managing my social media, to sending invoices, to creating marketing materials, to learning email marketing and public speaking, I feel like I’ve done it all; yet I know I have so much more to learn! I’ve also learned how to manage my own schedule so that I can have the flexibility to take naps when I want to and walk my pup when he needs to go poopy.

3. Prioritizing time spent connecting with others. When I really dug into my core values, I realized that connecting with others was one of my top five values. No wonder I struggled when my desk was moved to no-mans-land in corporate! Now that I work from home, I choose to prioritize face-time with my friends, family and, peers. Whether it’s meeting for coffee, grabbing lunch, catching up at a networking event, or jumping on a video call with those who don’t live in the area, I thrive on their energy. Connection and face-time is the same reason I do zoom video calls with my clients! There is so much value in being face-to-face to see emotions and to have a sense of togetherness.

2. My own coaches. Looking at you Alex, Lindsey, and Elise. Thank you for helping me get out of my own way and challenging me to step out of my comfort zone when I was playing it safe. I am also grateful for all the other coaches who I met along this journey. Rob, Steve, Susan, Monica, Lauren, Abbie, Gabrielle, and Abra – thank you for being the best support network a girl could ask for!

1. My clients. I have learned so much from my clients. While they may think that I am their beacon of light, they are most definitely mine. They challenge me to become a better coach. They inspire me to become a better person. So, to: NB, LD, AS, EK, SD, RK, RT, EH, MH, and BB – from the bottom of my heart, thank you!

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I think the coolest thing about my journey and about what I’ve learned through Energy Leadership is that as I look back at this list, I see more than just things. I see clarity and alignment with my values. I see courage and vulnerability. I see risk and breakthroughs. I see success and happiness. As I look at that list, I can’t help but smile as I see how much more open, present, engaged, heart-centered, fulfilled and fearless I am than ever before.

As you reflect on 2019, what inspires you the most? What makes you think “damn, I did that!”?

Are you ready to crush 2020? Are you ready to listen to that little voice inside that says you’re capable of more? Are you ready to live greater?

If you’re ready to:

  • have your own breakthrough

  • beat the burnout

  • clarify and align with your core values

  • put the theories of energy leadership into practice

  • become fearless

  • live a life created for you, by you

then enroll in the Start-Up Package today!

As a coach, I’m not allowed to make promises. But I am very confident that when you look back at the end of 2020, you’ll be grateful you did.


Jenn Masse